Erasmus+ Project – Drama for All

Erasmus+ Project – Drama for All

Errigal College is delighted to announce its participation in the Erasmus+ programmewith the launch of the exciting project, “Drama for All: Embracing Diversity.” The project,which is designed to promote inclusion, build friendships and develop empathy andunderstanding through drama and the arts, will see students and staff engaging ininternational exchanges to various European countries throughout the…

Don’t miss our Open Night!

Don’t miss our Open Night!

Errigal College is excited to invite prospective 5th and 6th class pupils and their families toits annual Open Night on Thursday, 21st November. The evening will run from 5:15 p.m. to8:30 p.m. and it is a unique opportunity for pupils and parents to experience first-hand whatmakes Errigal College a standout choice for their secondary school…

Errigal College student Honoured with Naughton Scholarship

Errigal College student Honoured with Naughton Scholarship

Daria Kolomiychuk, a former student of Errigal College, Letterkenny, has made history asthe only recipient from County Donegal to be awarded the prestigious Naughton FoundationScholarship this year. The scholarship, worth €24,000, was presented at a ceremony onSaturday October 12th in Trinity College, Dublin, by founding patrons Dr. Martin Naughtonand his wife Carmel, joined by An…

Scholarships for Three Outstanding Students

Scholarships for Three Outstanding Students

Errigal College is celebrating the announcement that three of its talented students, includingtwo brothers, have been awarded highly sought-after scholarships to support their third-leveleducation. Malachi and Benjamin, brothers, along with classmate Michael are rejoicing thisweek after being selected as recipients of two very special scholarship programmes. Thesescholarships reflect the academic excellence, dedication, and hard work…

Various Represented Cultures outside Errigal College

Embracing Diversity at our Culture Day

Students swapped their familiar school uniforms for the colourful attire of their homenations during the school’s Culture Day celebration recently. Over 40 nationalities at Letterkenny’s Errigal College united to celebrate the diversebackgrounds and traditions of its multicultural school community. The event organisedby EAL Coordinator and Geography teacher, Ms Caitriona Hasson and Spanish teacher,Ms Grit Mc…

Minister for Education, Norma Foley, T.D., officially opened Errigal College’s new modular buildings

Minister for Education visits Errigal College

Minister for Education, Norma Foley, T.D., officially opened Errigal College’s new modularbuildings in Windyhall, Letterkenny today. The two storey building, which was completed earlier this year, consists of seven classroomsand three SEN spaces. The single storey consists of three classrooms.All classrooms are designed to be multi-functional and cater to various subject and learningdisciplines. They have…

Student Of The Year Michael Kelly

Celebrating Excellence In Education

Errigal College hosted its annual Prize Giving Ceremony on Friday 17th May, inwhat was a vibrant celebration of achievements in academics, sports, arts, andcommunity service. The event was attended by esteemed guests, Dr. Niall Muldoon,Ombudsman for Children, and Donegal ETB representatives Ms. Anne McHugh,Chief Executive, and Dr. Martin Gormley, Director of Schools. Students were acknowledged…