
This is our school information management system. Parents have access (on phone or computer) to this system for the following:

  • viewing a student’s term reports
  • subject choices (1st and 5th years only)

How to set up an account?

  1. The school sends a text message to your phone; it contains a username and instructions to go to errigalcollege.vsware.ie.
  2. Click on create/reset password and a text is sent to the phone
  3. Use this code to confirm who you create a password
  4. Create a password

Please save your username and password for future use.

Accessing VSware

  1. Using your username and new password, log onto the VSware app or https://errigalcollege.vsware.ie/.
  2. Go to your child’s name (only one account is created if you have several children in the school) and click on the name
  3. Go to “Assessment” and click on this to view term reports (and CBA results for 2nd years)
  4. You can click on “Actions” to download/print (in Microsoft Word format).