This is our school information management system. Parents have access (on phone or computer) to this system for the following:
- viewing a student’s term reports
- subject choices (1st and 5th years only)
How to set up an account?
- The school sends a text message to your phone; it contains a username and instructions to go to
- Click on create/reset password and a text is sent to the phone
- Use this code to confirm who you create a password
- Create a password
Please save your username and password for future use.
Accessing VSware
- Using your username and new password, log onto the VSware app or
- Go to your child’s name (only one account is created if you have several children in the school) and click on the name
- Go to “Assessment” and click on this to view term reports (and CBA results for 2nd years)
- You can click on “Actions” to download/print (in Microsoft Word format).